Action Alert: Toronto's Drinking Water At Risk

On Wednesday at 2 pm, Toronto City Council will vote on a motion which would tell Enbridge Gas to install shut off valves wherever Line 9 crosses rivers in Toronto. If this vote fails, Toronto's drinking water will be at risk, especially if the Federal Government allows Line 9 to carry tar sands oil. You can help make sure it doesn't fail.

While Line 9 should never be used for transporting heavy crude oil, including bitumen, we have to plan for the impacts this project could have on Toronto. 

On Wednesday, Toronto City Councillors will be voting on a motion from Councillors Mike Layton and Sarah Doucette that would tell Enbridge to install shut off valves on either side of every watercourse it passes over in Toronto. To reduce the huge impact a potential spill would have, we need to make sure this motion is adopted.

Please contact your Councillor right now and let them know you expect them to protect Toronto's drinking water and support MM5.15 Protecting Toronto Drinking Water - Requiring automatic shut off valves on potentially dangerous pipelines on either side of Toronto's major watercourses.

Get more facts on Line 9 and the motion currently in front of Council: