Council Watch - City moves to privatize waste collection

Committee moves to private waste collection

On April 26th, Toronto's Public Works & Infrastructure Committee voted 4-2 to seek bids for private waste collection in the western half of the City. They also approved staff recommendations to bypass a final Council decision on the issue, contrary to the City's own purchasing laws.

Our Executive Director, Franz Hartmann, and Waste Campaigner, Emily Alfred made deputations to the Committee, cautioning against making quick decisions that will affect our waste diversion services without complete information.

Emily has been researching the issue for the past few months and has found that there are a number of examples where private waste contracts have harmed waste diversion, or penalized cities that introduce new diversion programs. Emily cited the example of York Region, where 4000 tonnes of recyclables went to landfill in 2009 because of ongoing problems with a private contractor.

Visit our website to read TEA's deputation to the Committee, our media releases and TEA's media coverage on our TEA In The News page.

TEA will be working to mobilize our members and talk with Councillors about the issues before the final Council vote on May 17/18.

Contact your Councillor and the Mayor today to let them know that you care about Toronto's waste services -- and that this issue is too important to bypass the City's own laws.

Highland Creek Incinerator

TEA and concerned Scarborough residents spoke out against the proposed sewage sludge incinerator at the Public Works and Infrastructure committee meeting on Tuesday April 26. Sadly, the vote to continue incinerating Toronto's sludge won 4-2.

TEA will continue to work with Councillors and community residents prior to the Council vote on the issue in May to demand a safer and more sustainable biosolids plan to protect our health and the environment.

Have a great weekend!

The TEA team

City Community Environment Days

Attend the Environment Day! These events are a great opportunity to meet your neighbours, and

talk with your Councillor about your environmental concerns in Toronto!


Service Cuts on 41 TTC Bus Routes Start Sunday May 8th

Visit TTCriders at for more information and a list of affected bus routes.