Let's Show the Greenbelt some Love

On Saturday, February 28th, the world-famous Greenbelt turned 10. Unfortunately, instead of celebrating, some are planning to undermine our green space.

While many of us were celebrating 10 years of protection of valuable farmland, ecological spaces and recreational spaces, others are looking at what they can do to undermine the Greenbelt and return to the days of making money from urban sprawl. 

The day before the Greenbelt's Birthday, the Province of Ontario announced a 10-year review of the Greenbelt Plan, as part of a larger coordinated land use planning review. The Review will be headed by an Advisory Panel, headed by David Crombie, and starts with Regional Townhall Meetings, including one in Toronto on Monday, March 30 at 6 pm at the Toronto Reference Library.

This Townhall meeting will be an opportunity for Torontonians to show their love for the Greenbelt. Let the Advisory Panel know:

  • you want the Greenbelt to not only survive but thrive;
  • you are aware of the major threats to the Greenbelt; and
  • you want them to adopt the solutions to these threats. 

This review will determine the future of our precious Greenbelt. Join TEA in making sure the Province hears loud and clear that we love our Greenbelt!