Letter to Mayor Tory: Ideas to Bring to COP 21
Dear Mayor John Tory: Thank you for agreeing to go to the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP 21). Your presence will send a strong signal to world leaders, our new Prime Minister, our Premier and concerned people everywhere, that Toronto wants to be part of the solution to the biggest economic, social and environmental crisis facing the planet.
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It's time for polluters to pay (again)
This Friday, Toronto's Budget Committee will debate whether or not polluting companies should pay their fair share of water pollution clean up costs in Toronto. Read TEA's open letter to the Committee urging action so polluters pay, not us.
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Open Letter to Toronto's Budget Committee - Polluters Should Pay
TEA has written an open letter to Toronto's Budget Committee urging them to support our Polluter Pays motion so that companies who send polluted water down the sewers finally pay the full cost of cleaning it up. Why should ratepayers like us pay for their $1.6 Million discount each year?
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Council asks the right questions - with TEA's help
At a Council Meeting last week, Councillors approved the next phase of the Long Term Waste Management Strategy development. Several Councillors used TEA’s materials and messages to call for reducing and recycling more waste.
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Long Term Waste Plan Update, Sept 2015
This week, Councillors are voting on the framework and options consultants will use to draft a long term waste strategy for Toronto. The strategy will come to the public in early 2016.
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The Silver Lining to the Gardiner Vote
Last Thursday’s close Council vote on the east Gardiner’s future was disappointing.
There is one silver lining to this bad decision: Mayor Tory and the 23 Councillors who voted with him were not afraid to invest in public infrastructure.
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Tips for the Long Term Waste Plan public survey
The City wants to hear from you on the Long Term Waste Plan this summer via an online survey that will close on July 24. You don't have to be an expert, and your opinion matters!
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Call and Stop a Very Expensive Mistake
Next week Toronto City Council decides what to do with the Gardiner Expressway. You can help shape the outcome.
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Toronto's Long Term Waste Plan Update - May 2015
The future of Toronto’s entire waste management system is being decided over the next 12 months.
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Community waste solutions - Wast(ED) talk
Community groups across Toronto are a great inspiration for showing what we can achieve by working together to create a Waste Free Toronto
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