Toronto is releasing a new TransformTO Net Zero Strategy - here’s what it needs to include
Toronto is releasing a new climate strategy with a target of net-zero by 2050 or sooner. This is a critical time to ramp up Toronto’s climate ambition and set us on a path to a climate-safe future.
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Explainer: Toronto’s climate strategies from TransformTO to Net Zero
It can be challenging to navigate the numerous climate policies, strategies, plans, and programs at every level of government. TEA has put together this brief explainer blog to break down what exactly we need to know about Toronto’s climate plans and strategies - especially as the City’s new draft TransformTO Net Zero Strategy is due to be released!
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CASE STUDIES: Community Hubs and Climate Action
To address the climate emergency and improve resiliency, local communities need to be engaged in developing solutions that serve community priorities. READ OUR CASE STUDIES: Community Hubs and Climate Action.
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CAMPAIGN UPDATE: Toronto votes to move ahead with a Single-Use Reduction Strategy
At its June meeting, Toronto City Council voted to move forward with the first phase of a Single-Use Reduction Strategy targeting disposable cups, bags, utensils and containers! This is a good first step, but it’s only the beginning. Thank you to everyone who spoke up to show support and push Council to take bold and swift action. Here’s what we won and what’s next.
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Ontario needs to get serious about its commitment to reduce waste, prevent plastic pollution, and end litter.
Ontario needs to get serious about its commitment to reduce waste, prevent plastic pollution, and end litter.
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CLIMATE AND THE 2021 CITY BUDGET: Report back from the final City Budget vote
Climate and the 2021 City Budget: Read the Report back from the final City Budget vote
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Community Hubs and Spaces for COVID-19, Response, Recovery and Rebuilding
We’re looking at how hubs have used and adapted their physical buildings and grounds to provide crucial support during COVID-19, including providing space to organize emergency responses, growing produce for food distribution, or creating more accessible green space for the community.
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