Toronto still on track for 2020 climate targets, but rise in emissions shows need to redouble climate action in 2021
For immediate release
November 15, 2020
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City Council Report Back: Toronto’s COVID-19 Recovery and Rebuild Plan
The Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) has worked to inform the City’s recovery plan and ensure it delivers a green and just recovery. We made submissions to TORR, individually and in partnership with front-line community organizations, and recently presented our response to the report to Mayor John Tory and the City’s Executive Committee.
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City’s Recovery and Rebuild Report: Will it deliver a just and green recovery?
Hundreds of community groups and thousands of residents have given feedback into the process of developing Toronto’s recovery plan. Now, the results are public. Will the City's reports and recommendations create a Recovery and Rebuild plan that delivers a just and green recovery? Read our analysis.
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Statement from environmental and civil society groups on Ontario’s draft Blue Box regulation announcement
As the Province of Ontario announces new draft regulations for the Blue Box program, 7 environmental and civil society groups - including the Toronto Environmental Alliance - released a joint statement on Ontario’s draft Blue Box regulation.
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CAMPAIGN UPDATE: The Future of Toronto’s City-Owned Golf Course Parklands
On Friday, City Council voted on extending the operating contracts on five City-owned golf courses. Council voted to renew the contracts for two years - but after public pressure from organizations and individual residents, Council also voted to hold a public consultation, further open these parklands for free public use in the winter, and evaluate alternative recreational and community uses for these golf course parklands. Read more about what we won and what’s next.
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Community Hub Responses to COVID-19: Lessons for Creating More Equitable, Low-Carbon and Resilient Neighbourhoods
In this new blog series, our Climate Campaigner Michael Polanyi is sharing stories and exploring some of the lessons that can be learned from community hubs about our city’s emergency response and how to build more resilient, low-carbon and equitable neighbourhoods.
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What are the responsibilities of environmental organizations in building a racially-just society?
TEA's Executive Director Emmay Mah shares her reflections on allyship.
At a time when the struggle for racial justice is at the forefront of public discourse, environmental organizations like the Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) are compelled to reflect on their roles and responsibilities in addressing the inequity, violence, and systemic oppression experienced by Black, Indigenous and other racialized peoples.
At TEA, our commitment to more deeply embed an equity lens in our work, and build meaningful relationships with racialized communities, is an ongoing process. While I do not claim to have all the answers, I’d like to share some thoughts on what allyship can look like for us and other environmental organizations, and how we can contribute to catalyzing and supporting lasting change.
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[VIDEO] A Green and Just Recovery for Cities: An Online Conversation with David Miller
Watch the video recording.
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4 things that remain the same for Toronto’s waste reduction movement
Despite current setbacks and challenges, the fundamental goals of reducing waste, building a circular economy and eliminating plastic pollution remain as important as ever. Read the latest blog by our Waste Campaigner Emily Alfred.
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