We need answers from the Province about the Etobicoke chemical spill
TEA and our allies sent a letter to the Ontario Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks asking for answers about the Etobicoke chemical spill.
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Ontario's recycling system needs to be overhauled - but let's do it right
The Minister of the Environment has announced that Ontario is moving ahead to shift Ontario’s Blue Bin program to one fully paid for by manufacturers and producers - also known as an Extended Producer Responsibility system. Our Waste Campaigner Emily Alfred breaks down what this means for Ontario, the benefits to this approach, and the significant risks if it’s not done right.
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2015 Greenbelt Review
TEA is working to ensure the 10-year review of the Greenbelt by the Province leads to a thriving Greenbelt. You can help.
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Good Intentions Don’t Justify Bad Environmental Laws
December 4, 2014, the Provincial Government released a draft regulation. If enacted, it will be easier for cement and steel companies to burn garbage instead of coal to make their products. They claim this is good for the environment.
Environmental groups have big concerns.
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Toronto applying to have its main rivers protected under the Ontario Greenbelt - Inside Toronto
City planners to map out areas around the Don River, Humber River and Etobicoke Creek to add to the Greenbelt
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Healthy communities need transit
GTHA Medical Officers of Health told Ontario’s political leaders that we must invest in transportation to build healthy, complete communities.
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