Emmay Mah, Executive Director of the Toronto Environmental Alliance, sat down for a virtual conversation with David Miller, Director of International Diplomacy with C40 Cities and former Mayor of Toronto. Watch the recording.
Right now, cities across the world are developing strategies for the longer-term recovery from COVID-19. In Toronto, the Mayor has struck a special Task Force on recovery and created a new office of Recovery and Rebuild. C40 Cities - an organization for global city climate action - recently launched the Global Mayors COVID-19 Recovery Task Force, to drive forward a sustainable and fair economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.
In this conversation, we talked about how cities can move forward on equitable climate action in their recovery response. We discussed what Toronto can learn from other cities about what the critical elements are for a bold, green and just recovery.
DAVID MILLER is the Director of International Diplomacy and Global Ambassador of Inclusive Climate Action at C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group. He is responsible for supporting Mayors in their climate leadership and for building a global movement for socially equitable action to mitigate and adapt to climate change. He served as Chair of C40 Cities from 2008 until 2010 and was Mayor of Toronto from 2003 to 2010. He is a leading advocate for the creation of sustainable urban economies and a strong and forceful champion for the next generation of jobs through sustainability.
EMMAY MAH is the Executive Director of the Toronto Environmental Alliance.
In this online series, we’re holding panels and discussions with a variety of speakers. Watch our first panel discussion “Toward a Green and Just Recovery” and be sure to join us for future events!