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Help Fly the Blue Flag

Help Fly the Blue Flag

Naturalize the Urbanized

Major cities in North America are redesigning their cityscapes to allow rain and snow to drain naturally into the ground.

Actions You Can Take: Disconnect your downspout. Use a rainbarrel. Install a rain garden or grass swale. Plant a tree. Keep your lawn green, not paved. Avoid using road salt.

Actions the City Can Take: Plant a continuous urban forest. Change development rules to mandate natural drainage. Green parking lots, sidewalks and other concrete spaces. Green City roofs. Minimize road salt use. Avoid installing curbs and gutters. Treat road and parking lot runoff naturally.

Action Needed on the Waterfront: New developments should minimize water pollution and set examples for model clean water communities.

Help Fly the Blue Flag

Volunteer at your favorite city beach.

Community-based efforts can revitalize all our beaches. Help monitor and report on the state of your community beach; education others on how to improve beach water quality; and, organize clean ups, nature walks and other events.

Call TEA at 416-596-0660.