Three projects to reduce waste in your multi-residential building

The Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA)’s Zero Waste High-Rise Project is offering coaching, resources and funding support to help multi-residential buildings become zero waste leaders. By sharing success stories from leading zero waste buildings across Toronto, the Zero Waste High-Rise Project is inspiring building communities across Ontario to take action to reduce waste.

Here are the 3 most popular actions being pursued by building teams this February:

1. Add cooking oil recycling to your building Used cooking oil can be recycled, and keeping it out of your drains can save your building major plumbing costs. Read about Windmill Line’s oil collection program. 

2. Set up a ‘reusables’ shelf or table Designate a space for residents to drop off reusable household goods to keep it out of the garbage or recycling bins. Read about Pavilion del Sol’s Re-Use It shelf.

3. Refresh and update signs throughout the building Ensure residents know where and how to properly recycle and compost by labelling all waste areas, creating custom signs and message boards. Read about Perth Co-op’s education campaign.

If you’d like to pursue one of these waste reduction actions, but aren’t sure how to start, drop in for an upcoming Q&A session or request a meeting at [email protected] with Sayan to talk through your ideas

The Zero Waste High-Rise Project is funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, an agency of the Government of Ontario, and receives research support from the University of Toronto, with funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.