On Wednesday, we released our Environmental Report Card grading the top mayoral candidates on our survey of 20 "yes" or "no" questions.
- Mr. Pantalone scored 100% (A+) on the survey
- + Close behind, Mr. Smitherman scored 90% (A+)
- + Mr. Ford got an F - despite being called and emailed repeatedly, he refused to complete the survey, or to tell us why
For candidate grades and comments, the survey questions, and scores of all mayoral candidates, see: torontoenvironment.org/voteto/reportcard/topmayoral
Our Report Card in the News
We've had a great response from the media and received a lot of great coverage in the news. Check out our media page for articles in The Star, NOW Magazine, Globe & Mail and BlogTo among others.
Council Voting Records
TEA has been monitoring City Council's votes on key environmental issues for over 10 years to hold councillors accountable for the decisions they make.
We've just released grades for all current councillors based on their 2009-10 Council Voting Record on 6 key issues during their term on Council. You can also see our mid-term report card for 8 key votes in 2007-08.
Click here to see how incumbents voted on 14 important environmental motions.