Vote for the City you want!
On Monday, it's time to vote for the Toronto you want.
In 2006, only 39.3% of eligible voters cast a ballot, the lowest turnout of all levels of government. This election, it's more important than ever to get out the vote so that we don't lose the very things that make this city great.
For some ideas on increasing voter turnout, and a discussion about strategic voting, see Franz Hartmann's guest blog on Torontoist, "Being Strategic and Voting".
TEA & OneToronto
Much of the discussion in this election has focused on tearing the city down, on slashing spending and services. TEA, as a member of OneToronto, has tried to turn the negative rhetoric back to something positive.
Check out OneToronto's list of resources for voters including report cards, fact sheets and surveys evaluating candidates on social, cultural and environmental issues.
Community Right To Know
The City is now consulting the community about how the toxic release information can be shared with the public.
Click here to complete a short, 3 question survey. TEA thinks that all of the web features listed in the survey are very important for the CRTK by-law to work.
Many companies and businesses have already taken the time to complete the survey, but we need to be sure that community members are heard too! Deadline to participate in the survey is October 30th.
Since February, we've worked hard to motivate our members and allies to vote for the environment, and have created a number of tools and resources to help:
TEA's Council Candidate Environmental Report Card | TEA's Mayoral Candidate Environmental Report Card |