Council Watch - Waste Reduction Week

It's National Waste Reduction Week!

Waste Reduction Week ends Sunday, and it's been a great week to think about waste management, recycling and the future of waste in Toronto.

Toronto waste contract puts environment at risk

Next Monday, City Council will be voting on bids to collect waste in Toronto west of Yonge Street. But without the proper safeguards, private collection puts our waste programs at risk.

In May, TEA released Look Before You Leap - a report on how privatizing waste services has jeopardized the environment in Toronto and other cities in Ontario.

In response to this and many public concerns, Councillors demanded stricter standards for reporting on contract performance, and maintaining waste diversion standards at the May Council meeting.

Unfortunately, City staff still have not worked out how they will monitor the Contractor's activities and enforce contract penalties. Your Councillor needs guarantees that service and environmental standards won't decrease, and to know that City contracts are enforcedbefore voting on a multi-million dollar contract.

Read TEA's latest press release about the issue.

Companies must do their part to solve Ontario's waste crisis

Across Ontario, municipalities are facing a waste crisis as landfills are filling up, and recycling bins are overflowing. But up to 70% of our current waste is packaging and disposables!

Waste fees and municipal taxes are paying to landfill or recycle complicated packaging, but there's a better way. TEA's report Don't Trash our Environment explains why the Province needs to improve waste legislation to make companies responsible for the waste they put on the market.

The report also includes some great examples from right here in Ontario of businesses that are doing their part to cut waste -- including the Beer Store, Harmony Organic Dairy, and local food services like Tiffinday.

Visit our website to download the report: Don't Trash our Environment: Why Companies Need to be Part of Ontario's Waste Solution.


The TEA team

Environmental Service Cuts - more to come!

In September, Council voted to put off some environmental service cuts.
But Council will once again be faced with major service cuts during the
City Budget process starting in November.

It's also important to remember that a number of services have already been cut in the last year, including: LiveGreen community animators,
stormwater education grants, cuts to TTC service and expansionbike lanes, the horticulture program, water efficiency programs, and delays to waste diversion programs, and delays to urban forestry targets.

TEA will monitor and keep you updated about environmental service cuts at City Hall.

TTCriders Meeting

TTCriders' October 25th meeting will feature a Q&A with TTC's Chief Customer Service Officer, Chris Upfold.

This is a great opportunity to talk with a TTC Executive and could be
the start of a positive working relationship between the TTC and

RSVP on the TTCriders website.