Tell City Council: Consult with the Public About the Future of Toronto’s Golf Course Parklands
It’s time for Toronto to reimagine public spaces to better serve community needs and build a more healthy, resilient, and sustainable city.
Toronto City Council is on the verge of extending its leases with the operators of 5 City-owned golf courses for another two to three more years. While Council voted in 2018 to evaluate the future options for golf courses on parklands, no public consultations have been held.
Tell Toronto City Council to launch a public consultation on the future of these parklands before renewing golf course operating contracts and immediately open up access for free public use during the pandemic.
Bold ideas have been put forward about how these golf courses can be repurposed to better benefit local communities and the environment, such as community gardening and farming, universally-accessible public parkland, and Indigenous-led land and water stewardship programs.
The COVID-19 crisis has brought to the forefront serious inequities and unmet basic needs in Toronto including lack of access to food, greenspace, and housing. It is critical that we have a public conversation now on how to best use public space.
Take action now before the City Council meeting on September 30th. Send an email to City Council and the Mayor using our online tool.
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