Take Action: Submit a Comment on Ontario’s Proposed Blue Box Regulations
The Provincial government proposed new regulations that will make producers responsible for managing the Blue Box program in Ontario.
However, the proposed regulations could also let producers off the hook for managing some of the hardest to recycle materials, leave some residents out of the program, and set low targets for collection and recycling that only make our current recycling and waste problems worse.[1]
Industry lobbyists are working to weaken regulations. We need Ontarians like you to speak up for strong regulations that put Ontario on track to a low-carbon, non-toxic circular economy.
The regulations are open for public comments until December 3rd. We created a simple tool to help you submit comments to the Environmental Registry of Ontario.
Take action and call for the Blue Box regulations to:
- Hold companies responsible for meeting high collection and recycling targets with detailed materials categories. This ensures that companies collect and recycle what they produce, or that they redesign a product or come up with new collection systems.
- Put strong enforcement and public oversight measures in place to ensure companies comply with the rules.
- Not give exemptions for packaging companies label as “compostable” - most compostable packaging cannot be composted in municipal waste facilities.
- Ensure all Ontarian residents have access to recycling services, including residents in apartments and condos, small municipalities and residential care homes, and when they are in public spaces.
- Include waste and packaging created by businesses, institutions and the commercial sector, which accounts for two-thirds of waste in Ontario.
Individuals like you can speak up for regulations that ensure companies are truly held accountable and pushed to solve the recycling and pollution problems they helped to create.
Sources & Read More:
[1] Statement from environmental and civil society groups on Ontario’s draft Blue Box regulation announcement (October 19, 2020) [Link]