A recent study in South Etobicoke discovered that local air quality does not meet the health standards set by the provincial government. Now, the City of Toronto is looking for solutions and calling on the province to take action.
TEA was at the Parks & Environment Committee meeting today to push for immediate action in light of South Etobicoke's air quality study results. The study identified airborne toxic chemicals that pose health risks (including cancer), with four substances failing to meet provincial air quality standards.
Since traffic is the largest polluter, City staff recommend air monitoring along Toronto's highways and direct actions for reducing truck emissions. They also want to see action from the Ministry of Environment, which is responsible for monitoring and responding to air quality issues.
TEA supports these recommendations and will work to identify further actions City Council could take in advance of their early April meeting. Read the City staff recommendations and report for more information.
Maybe we can take some inspiration from London UK's vast air monitoring network?