TEA is committed to fighting for excellent waste diversion and waste reduction programs and services for everyone across Toronto.
In 2011, Toronto City Council voted to contract out waste collection for all areas west of Yonge Street.
TEA spent months researching and speaking with councillors about what unchecked privatized waste collection could do to waste reduction and waste diversion in Toronto.
The good news is that due to TEA’s advocacy and research, a majority of councillors voted to include more rigorous environmental standards and monitoring in the collection contract.
The contract included a requirement for quarterly and annual reporting on spills, accidents and waste diversion rates - TEA continues to monitor these reports at City Hall.
Read TEA's report Look Before You Leap: An Environmental Perspective on Privatizing Waste Collection in Toronto
The report outlines risks to diversion programs and the need for transparency.
The report includes examples from Toronto and other cities where waste diversion services were compromised due to contract problems
Read more about privatized waste collection.