Thanks to strong public demand, Toronto passed a Single-Use and Take Away Items Reduction Strategy last year. Now, the City is seeking input on regulations to reduce single-use foodware items - such as cups, utensils and bags.
This is a key moment to show support for a Single-Use Reduction Strategy that moves quickly to eliminate unnecessary disposables and makes a real shift towards reusable alternatives! Have your say by March 6th.
Share your support for regulations that move quickly - and encourage the City to go further by requiring reusable dishware for “dining in”
The City's online survey takes approximately 15 minutes and will ask you a series of questions on ask-first policies, fees and timelines.
Here are our tips for what you can include in your response to the survey:
1. Show your support for the City to move quickly with the regulations.
2. Show your support for expanding the list of items that businesses must ‘ask-first’ before giving out (such as napkins and condiments) and items that have mandatory fees.
3. Show your support for additional reuse regulations - including requirements that businesses accept Bring-Your-Own shopping bags or other reusables.
4. At the end of the survey, use the comment box to say you want to see the City go further and do more to promote reusables over disposables. Key to this is requiring businesses to offer reusable dishes (such as coffee cups or plates) when customers are “dining-in”. This is a game-changer regulation that other jurisdictions have passed, and Toronto can, too!
What isn’t covered by Toronto’s Single-Use Reduction Strategy
The City Strategy doesn’t ask questions about banning or eliminating particular takeaway packaging - such as black plastic or styrofoam takeout containers. This is because proposed Federal regulations will ban these materials. However, it is important the City work as quickly as possible to support a transition away from all types of single-use foodware.
ABOVE: Slide presentation from the City of Toronto - view the slides here.
Other ways to take action
- You can attend one of the City’s consultation events.
- Sign up for emails from TEA and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@TOenviro)!
- After the consultation wraps up, City staff will present the final regulations to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee this spring. We'll need to keep pushing for these regulations to pass quickly!