History of TEA's work on waste
TEA saves 44 Community Environment Days and other vital programs
TEA fought to save 44 Community Environment Days and other important environmental programs during 2011 Core Service Review and 2012 Budget votes.
Incineration Fact Sheets published
4 Fact Sheets on the environmental impacts of incineration are published by TEA, in coalition with 5 environmental NGOs.
Fact sheet topics: GHG impacts, waste diversion, costs and energy.
Used Tires: Burn or Recycle?
When a proposal to burn used tires comes to light, TEA jumps in with a reality check on the toxics this process would produce and with the environmental alternative.
TEA conference on EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility)
In September TEA hosts a conference at Metro Hall with experts from across North America to discuss how Ontario can catch up with the rest of Canada and Europe in mandating Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).
Through EPR, producers are responsible for managing their products and packaging, sharing the costs with consumers of the product. Costs are no longer left to local governments and taxpayers.
City implements Green Bins in Toronto
The City finally implements TEA's plan for Green Bins
Task Force 2010 Waste Diversion Plan
In ____________ Toronto City Council passes a plan to increase waste diversion from landfill by __% by 2010.
In September, TEA issues a press release detailing how the City is downgrading its ambitious Task Force 2010 Waste Diversion Plan.
Mayor's Task Force for Zero Waste by 2010
In November 2000, the Mayor's Task Force on Waste Reduction was announced. Torontonians had sent a clear message: they did not want their garbage to go to Kirkland Lake; the City should find a "Made In Toronto Solution."
TEA published strong recommendations and clear steps forward as well as cautions for the Task Force.
Green Future, Green Jobs
TEA and CUPE Local 416 release the report on a wet/dry recycling and composting system that could divert 75% of Toronto's garbage. Green Future, Green Jobs fuels the campaign for green bins.
No to dumping Toronto garbage in Adam's Mine
TEA works with residents of Toronto and Kirkland Lake to stop the City plan to ship Toronto's garbage to the Adams Mine in Kirkland Lake. Toronto Council approves the plan in August but, due to the volume of community opposition, it reviews the issue and votes the proposal down in October.
Commentary on the Plan for Residential Waste Diversion by Ontario's Environmental Community
In June, TEA, along with 8 other environmental organizations, met with representatives from the Waste Diversion Organization (WDO). After crtiquing the WDO's plan, they agreed to release a separate report on appropriate waste diversion funding and regulations for the province of Ontario, to provide the MOE with an alternative to the WDO's plan.
See the commentary here.
Use It Re-Use It Guide
TEA publishes the Use It, Re-Use It Guide: The Toronto Area Re-Use, Repair and Rental Guide
The guide lists thousands of Toronto businesses that can help residents reduce waste. The directory is very popular and is re-printed three times.
TEA's waste campaign makes national news
TEA’s critique “A Curbside Tale: How Municipal Taxpayers Were Left Holding the Blue Box” gets national attention in the Globe and Mail (March 3).
TEA Report propses 3 R's instead of landfills & incineration
TEA publishes a report criticizing a plan for the GTA that focuses on landfills and incinerators to deal with growing waste. TEA advocates the 3 R's instead: Reducing, Reusing and Recycling instead of dumping or burning waste.
Read TEA's media release about the report here.
TEA has been pushing for environmentally sound waste management for more than 25 years.
TEA organizes a recycling education program
TEA organized a recycling education program that helps lower Blue Box contamination rates.