Zero Waste Spotlight: Not Far From The Tree

We’re highlighting community groups and initiatives that are showing how Toronto can get to zero waste. You can read more about the zero waste vision in Zero Waste Toronto: A Vision for Our City.

Not Far From The Tree

Connecting volunteers with homeowners to harvest from urban fruit trees!

The challenge:

Toronto has thousands of fruit trees, but a lot of it just falls to the ground, too much for one household to eat. Healthy local fruit goes to waste, ending up in the yard waste bag, or in the garbage, instead of being shared with the community.

The solution:

Mobilize community volunteers to help homeowners with fruit trees harvest the fruit. Redistribute the produce in the community to feed hungry people and prevent food waste!


About Not Far From The Tree:

Not Far From The Tree (NFFTT) is a fruit picking project that is inspired by the spirit of sharing and a passion for environmentally sustainable living.

More than 1,800 homeowners have registered their fruit tree and can contact the organization when their trees are ready for harvesting.

Volunteers are mobilized and arrive at the home with picking tools. When all the fruit is collected, the harvest is split three ways: 1/3 is offered to the homeowner, 1/3 is shared among the volunteers and 1/3 is delivered to local food banks, shelters and community food banks via bicycle.

NFFTT has harvested 58 tonnes of edible fruit from Toronto trees since 2008 and donated 17 tonnes to over 30 local social service agencies. They estimate that 680 tonnes of fruit is available on fruit trees across Toronto each year. 

You can visit their website here.