In this issue, TEA asks you to reach out to your candidates about the Green Action Agenda and we give you an update on the battery recycling program in Ontario.
Candidates get their holiday homework
(Photo Credit: Robert Scarth)
TEA has been busy getting our Green Action Agenda survey out to all candidates registered to run in the October municipal election. The Agenda lays out the minimum investments Toronto council must make to prepare for climate change, improve air quality, improve the TTC, reduce waste, and detox Toronto.
TEA’s survey asks candidates where they stand on environmental issues. Responses will be released by early October to help Torontonians know which candidates support the Green Action Agenda on voting day.
We need to make sure all council candidates complete the TEA survey. You can help by contacting your local candidates and asking them to fill out TEA's election survey - they can email or call the TEA office for more information.
Candidates want your vote in October - let them know that you care about the environment and ask them to support the Green Action Agenda. Make sure to tell them what parts of the Green Action Agenda are a priority to you personally. Together, we can elect a Council that cares about investing in the environment.
New Minister hears TEA on batteries
As we reported in March, TEA led a coalition of NGOs to object to changes to Ontario’s battery recycling program that would result in lower recycling standards. Our joint letter was forwarded to the new Minister of the Environment in July. The good news is that Minister Murray heard the environmental objections, along with many others. Two weeks ago, he directed Waste Diversion Ontario to halt all decisions on stewardship and recycling programs until further consultation occurs.
This is especially important as the provincial government is reviving plans for sweeping new waste regulations - it’s a good sign that the new Minister is listening to concerns about the environment, health and green jobs. Read more on our website.
Greenbelt Victory
On July 11th, Toronto City Council took the almost final step towards growing the Greenbelt into public lands along the Don and Humber River Valleys and Etobicoke Creek. To learn more, click here.
Support our Election work
On October 27th, Torontonians will go to the polls to elect a new city council. Prior to the election, TEA will be pushing to put the environment on the agenda, however we need your support to do this work. Advocating for good environmental policies makes us “too political” for charitable status. Donate now to ensure that the environment matters.