Based on the Green Action Agenda
Download the Questions for printing so you can ask your candidate at the door and at 'All Candiate meetings' if they support the Green Action Agenda.
Prepare for Severe Weather and Climate Change
1. Will you commit by 2015 to setting aside the funds required to double tree planting and maintenance by 2018 (from 2014 levels), with an annual increase of 25% per year?
2. Will you commit to provide the authority and funds necessary to properly enforce the city’s tree bylaws by the end of 2015?
3. Will you commit to the city undertaking a comprehensive study of the estimated costs that climate change and severe weather events will bring over the next 20 years to City Hall, city residents and businesses?
4. Will you commit to adopting a comprehensive, costed plan by April 2016 for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and getting city infrastructure ready for climate change?
Improve Air Quality
5. Will you vote against any further attempt to expand commercial air service at Billy Bishop Airport?
6. Will you authorize city staff to work with local communities to develop a neighbourhood-based air quality monitoring system by 2016, that makes neighbourhood level air quality information available online?
7. Will you adopt the recommendations in Building a Toronto that Moves?
Improve the TTC
8. Will you commit to a fare freeze for the next 4 years?
9. Will you commit to increasing TTC service levels annually beyond the growth in ridership every year for the next 4 years?
10. Will you agree to using additional municipal revenue sources (eg. a new Private Vehicle Tax, an increased land transfer tax) to fund the TTC to improve service levels?
11. Will you support the Scarborough LRT and reallocate the property tax increase designated for the Scarborough Subway to pay for improved TTC service and a fare freeze?
Reduce Waste
12. Will you commit in 2015 to adopting a long term waste strategy that includes a 90% waste diversion rate by 2020?
13. Will you commit to not supporting any waste disposal option that combusts waste?
14. Will you commit to a city-wide policy by January 2016 that insures all Toronto residents and businesses have access to waste diversion services, including green bin and blue bin services, no matter where they live or who provides service?
15. In order to determine the best solutions for improving waste diversion, will you commit to supporting a major green bin and recycling evaluation program for multi-residential buildings to review the effectiveness of the green bin roll out and recycling education ads?
Detox Toronto
16. In order to protect Lake Ontario (our drinking water source) from emerging Chemicals of Concern that are being found in the Great Lakes, will you support the addition, in 2015, of new toxic chemicals to the list of "subject pollutants" and "parameters" enforced under Toronto’s Sewers By-law?
17. As a way to prevent cancer and protect human health, will you support the development of a toxics reduction strategy in 2015 to phase out two cancer-causing substances that have been identified as a priority by Toronto Public Health?
18. Will you support the introduction of new Green Sector services, to be provided to Toronto businesses by the Economic Development & Culture Division, starting in 2016, that focus on reducing operational wastes like fuel, chemicals and solid waste?