January: A Year of Canvassing leads to Results

January 2011 to January 2012
TEA sent out front-line campaigners 5 days a week almost every week of the year to knock on doors across the city and talk to people about the LRT plan. Over 13 months, we knocked on over 80,000 doors and had conversations with at least 40,000 Torontonians.

During these months TEA connected with thousands more Torontonians at over 100 community events. TEA also sent emails to our growing membership asking them to sign our online petition.

Twelve months after our conversations started, two things became clear: the more Torontonians learned about the LRT plan and how it compared to the Mayor’s subway plan, the more they wanted the LRT plan; Mayor Ford had failed to present any viable way to fund his subway building ideas and people were beginning to question his plan.