TEA Campaigns to Put Transit Expansion Back on Track
Between December 2010 and March 2012, TEA and TTCriders mounted a huge public engagement campaign to let Torontonians know that a fully funded transit expansion plan to bring fast, reliable light rail to all parts of the city was in jeopardy. We spoke to over 50,000 people and asked them to contact their Councillors with a simple message: put transit expansion back on track.
It worked. On February 8, 2012 TEA submitted over 24,000 signatures on letters and petitions to a special Council meeting called to get transit expansion back on track. Later that day, a majority of Councillors voted to proceed with a transit expansion plan Mayor Ford had cancelled on his first day of office on December 1, 2010.
Here is a timeline story of what we did in 2011 and 2012 to get transit expansion back on track.