TEA is excited to share that our Zero Waste High Rise Project has launched a new online program that anybody can join to take steps to reduce waste in their building! As part of the Online Program, TEA is hosting Peer-Learning Events where you will hear directly from residents and staff from leading zero waste buildings - and learn how they achieved waste reduction.
Each session will look at a key tactic for high-rise waste reduction and spotlight a building who is exemplary at using that tactic. The focus of this Peer Learning Event is green teams because we’ve seen that they are a foundation for success in leading buildings.
For those who missed the live event or would like to review what was covered we have provided a full video recording below.
In this session, Sayan, our Project Coordinator interviewed Sally, a green team member from a leading zero waste building in North York. Sally spoke about her experience in working with other residents and staff to reduce waste, and shared tips on how to organize an effective green team - even when meeting remotely. This recorded session will provide helpful insight for those who already have a green team, or are looking to start one.
Watch the full recording to get inspired and learn how a green team can help your high-rise building reduce its waste!