Subcommittee on Climate Change Hears from Toronto Residents, Businesses and Organizations

On March 2nd, City Council chambers were packed with people from across Toronto sharing their ideas about what our city can do about climate change. With over 50 deputations, the Subcommittee meeting lasted from 7 pm until midnight!

Image from Our Horizon on Twitter

Heather Marshall from the Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) delivered a deputation on behalf of Executive Director Franz Hartmann, highlighting the need to engage Torontonians across the city in roundtable discussions and get a Quick Start Action Plan ready by October 2015. (Read more on TEA’s deputation.)

Heather Marshall from TEA addressing the Subcommittee on Climate Change

It is clear that the costs of climate change inaction are too high to ignore. The 2013 flood and ice storm cost the City over $1.3 billion, the equivalent of a 51% tax hike. We need to get the city prepared for the severe weather climate change will bring and work to reduce our city’s greenhouse gas emissions.

If you’d like to know more about the meeting and the newly-formed Subcommittee, meeting minutes are now available online:

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