6:00 to 7:00 pm Open House
Participants will have a chance to mingle with government staff, review poster boards, enjoy refreshments and connect with others.
7:00 pm Discussion Round 1
People will be asked to choose a table to sit at based on one of six topic areas:
- Protecting Agricultural Land
- Moving People and Goods
- Fostering Liveable Communities
- Creating Jobs
- Addressing Climate Change
- Aligning the four Plans
After a brief introduction, you will be asked to answer a set of specific questions related to each topic area.
The goal will be for the people at your table to agree to the top 3 actions that best address the questions.
7:45 pm Discussion Round 2
People will move to another topic table and go through the same exercise (answering specific questions; identifying the top 3 actions that can be taken).
8:30 pm Reports
Tables report out to everyone on what was said.
9:00 pm Meeting concludes