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Media Releases

Environmental Groups to Minister Murray: Help Cities Get Ready for Climate Change

For Immediate Release
February 12, 2015

Today, urban-focused environmental groups responded to a proposal for climate change consultations by Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Glen Murray, with a simple message: make sure municipalities have the resources they need to get Ontario’s cities ready to fight climate change.

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Good Intentions Don’t Justify Bad Environmental Laws

For Immediate Release
December 6, 2014

On December 4th, the Provincial Government released draft regulation that, if enacted, would make it easier for cement and steel companies to burn garbage instead of coal to make their products, claiming this is good for the environment.

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TEA Snapshot of Mayoral 2014 Candidates on the Environment

For Immediate Release
October 9, 2014

Toronto: A new report card released today by the Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) shows where mayoral and council candidates stand on five environmental priorities.

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Council Takes Historic Step Towards Growing the Greenbelt into Toronto

For Immediate Release
July 11, 2014

Toronto: Earlier today, Toronto City Council took the almost final step towards growing the Greenbelt into public lands along the Don and Humber River Valleys and Etobicoke Creek.

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Toronto Council’s ‘End-of-Term’ Enviro Report Card: Scholars vs. Slackers

For Immediate Release
June 26, 2014

Toronto: On the same day students receive their end-of-term report card, the Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) issued the City Council Enviro Report Card that grades City Councillors and the Mayor on their environmental performance over the past 4 years.

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Community Leaders to Municipal Candidates: “Time to Build a Toronto that Moves”

For Immediate Release
June 3, 2014

Toronto: For the first time, active transportation and public transit community leaders have come together and identified 12 actions they want candidates for City Council to take to build a Toronto that moves.

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Tired of Trashing Toronto? Enviro Group Launches Fun Waste Free Challenge

May 07, 2014

Toronto: Today, the Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) launched Waste Free Toronto, a new challenge aimed at reducing the trash Torontonians throw away.

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Provincial Transit Funding Plans: April 2014 TEA Statement

On Monday, April 14, Premier Kathleen Wynne made a well-publicized announcement outlining how her government would fund public transit in Ontario. On the plus side, Premier Wynne promised to create a dedicated fund and find $15 billion over the next 10 years to build public transit and transportation infrastructure in the Toronto and Hamilton area.

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Toronto Council sends Ontario’s Greenbelt a Big Birthday Present

For Immediate Release
February 20, 2014

Toronto: Yesterday, a week before Ontario's Greenbelt turns 9, Toronto City Council sent it a birthday present by taking a big step towards growing the Greenbelt into publicly owned lands along the Don, Humber and Etobicoke Creek river valleys.

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