Timeline - Growing the Greenbelt into Toronto
May: Toronto Ravines Become Part of the Greenbelt
Province announces the Humber River, Etobicoke Creek, and the Don River will become part of the Greenbelt on July 1st. TEA's 8-year campaign ends with success!
May: Province announces plans to grow the Greenbelt into Toronto ravines.
The Province of Ontario releases draft recommendations that include adding Toronto’s ravines - along with other urban river valleys in the GTA - to the Greenbelt. TEA applauds the recommendations and launches a letter writing campaign to show public support.
December: Provincial Advisory Panel recommends growing the Greenbelt into Toronto ravines
TEA launches letter writing campaign to get Province to listen to Advisory Panel.
MARCH: The Province of Ontario Launches 2015 Greenbelt Review
The Province of Ontario launches a Coordinated Land Use Planning Review, reviewing 4 pieces of legislation including the Greenbelt Plan. TEA advocates for the Province to take the lead in growing the Greenbelt into urban river valleys.
July: City Council Reaffirms Support for Growing the Greenbelt
City Council reaffirms its commitment to growing the Greenbelt. TEA sends out media release congratulating Council.
June: City Committee Takes Final Steps
City Committee directs staff to come back with a report to City Council in 2015 that includes recommendations for adding public lands in some of Toronto’s ravines to the Greenbelt.
May: TRCA Board Says Yes to Growing the Greenbelt
The Toronto Regional Conservation Authority (TRCA) Board Executive endorses City of Toronto efforts to grow the Greenbelt into public lands the TRCA owns in Toronto's ravines,
February: Taking the next steps at City Council
TEA succeeds in getting City Council to take the next step to grow the Greenbelt into Toronto by directing staff to begin the process of adding public lands along the Humber and Don River Valleys and Etobicoke Creek to the Greenbelt.
January: Gaining TRCA Support for the Greenbelt
TEA meets with Toronto Regional Conservation Authority (TRCA) Board of Directors to discuss growing the Greenbelt. The TRCA owns many of the public lands in the urban river valleys.
December: Thanks for your support!
June to December: TEA collects over 3,500 letters of support from Torontonians to City Councillors asking them to act and grow the Greenbelt into Toronto.
September: Launching Love the Ravines
TEA participates in a collaboration of groups that launches Love the Ravines, a way for Torontonians to show their love for our ravines and support growing the Greenbelt into our ravines.
January 2013: The Province amends the Greenbelt Plan
This amendment puts in place a mechanism called the Urban River Valleys (URV) designation, that allows publicly owned urban river valleys to be added to the Greenbelt by way of municipal request.
December: Strong support for Greenbelting
TEA collects over 500 signatures in two weeks to support a Provincial proposal to change the Greenbelt Plan to allow public lands in urban river valleys to become part of the Greenbelt.
Working together
TEA works with other organizations to get the Province to change the Greenbelt Plan to allow urban river valleys to become part of the Greenbelt.
February: Let’s grow the Greenbelt
City Council agrees in principle to grow the Greenbelt into Toronto.
Getting started
TEA starts talking to City Councillors about growing the Greenbelt into public lands along the Humber and Don River Valleys.