TTCriders was founded by TEA and other organizations in 2009 to create a new a voice for transit riders.
As a grassroots transit advocacy organization it gives a voice Torontonians who use the TTC.
Its goal is to build a public transit system that works with and for transit riders, based on the following guiding principles:
- Fair and affordable fares
- Building modern, fast transit into all corners of the city as fast as possible
- Making public transit fully accessible transit
- Frequent service that connects all our neighbourhoods
- Environmental sustainability
- Respect for front line TTC workers
- Respect for fellow TTCriders
TEA continues supporting TTCriders by helping, where we can, to make sure their voice is heard loud and clear at Toronto City Hall.
Join TTCriders and help give transit riders a voice.
Go to the TTCriders website to learn more.
A Fair Deal for Riders is the TTC Riders current petition campaign