On December 3rd, 2008, Toronto City Council voted for a precedent setting toxics disclosure policy. With an overwhelming vote of 33-3, Toronto became the first city that would require businesses - from dry cleaners to funeral homes and auto-body repair shops - to reveal their discharges of 25 priority chemicals.
News & Updates
Please call or email your City Councillor TODAY and tell them to vote YES for an improved Local Food Procurement Policy at Wednesday's Council meeting.
Get a ride to the Public Meeting on Monday November 24, RSVP!, Sign the Petition because your Toronto includes Windmills, Write a letter to the Ontario Government and use our sample letter to help!
Right now, Toronto has an opportunity to take a giant step forward in creating clean, green sustainable power… but that opportunity may be blocked before it even gets started.
You contacted your Councillors and asked them to support TEA’s recommendations for an improved Local Food Procurement policy at October’s Council meeting.
On October 30th 2008, City Council unanimously adopted a local food procurement policy and implementation plan. Council adopted TEA’s suggested amendment and agreed to develop a plan to achieve an aggressive 50% local food purchasing target as soon as possible! This means it is now the policy of the City to progressively increase the percentage of local food it buys for its daycares, shelters and seniors’ homes.
In 2008, Toronto Hydro proposed installing an anemometer in Lake Ontario near the Scarborough Bluffs. The anemometer would measure wind speeds and assess if the area could be a potential site for wind turbines. Below is a letter which TEA distributed to Toronto residents.
Vote for the Planet on Election Day, Just 2 Weeks Left to Show Your Support for a Local and Sustainable Food Purchasing Policy for Toronto!, Lots of Green Initiatives at City Council this Fall, Help Put a Face on Community Right to Know!
TEA Launches New Website with Take Action Focus!, Urge your Councillor to support local and sustainable food!, Community Right to Know VICTORY at Board of Health
Fate of city’s environmental quality at stake in monday’s council vote on new taxes, Next week: toxics trespass at planet in focus environmental film festival.
Environmental Priorities for Ontario, Vote for a Fair Deal for Our City, The Case for Supporting MMP Electoral Reform, Toxics Trespass at Planet in Focus Environmental Film Festival.
1700 posters • 1700 messages • 1700 lamp posts • 1 long hike
We'll be attaching 1700 posters with individual messages from Torontonians about smog.
Each lamp post will represent one annual death.
Urgent Letter from the Executive Director: Please Tell your Councillor to Build a Green and Healthy Toronto!, TEA Opposes TTC Fare Hike, TEA Joins “Fair Deal For Our City" Coalition, Calls on Members to Take Action, Help Put a Face to the 1,700 Annual Smog Deaths in Toronto!, New Faces at TEA.
In 2006, TEA launched the Secrecy is Toxic website as an online engagement tool for the Community Right to Know campaign. The website enabled community members to raise concerns and investigate unidentified sources of toxic chemicals used and released by small businesses.
TEA Releases Smog Report Card, Upcoming Climate Change Event, (a) Volunteer to Stop Climate Change, (b) Ralph Nader in Toronto, Nuclear Power Not a Solution to Climate Change, Stop the Big Pipe, Transit at Risk - Ontario Superior Court Stops St.Clair Transit Right of Way.