Rather than support the Polluter Pays recommendation put forward by Budget Committee last week, which would save water ratepayers $1.6 Million per year, Mayor Tory’s Executive Committee decided to delay it for the second year in a row.
News & Updates
Just before leaving for the climate change conference in Paris, Minister of the Environment & Climate Change, Glen Murray, tabled a new draft waste strategy for Ontario. We're impressed by what we've seen so far.
Since 1990, EcoBunk has presented awards for the best in deceptive advertising - we know this as “greenwashing” - advertising products that appear to enhance the environment but clearly do not.
This year, the Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) is participating in #GivingTuesday, a day where people come together as a community to support causes they believe in and give what they can.
Thank you for agreeing to go to the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP 21). Your presence will send a strong signal to world leaders, our new Prime Minister, our Premier and concerned people everywhere, that Toronto wants to be part of the solution to the biggest economic, social and environmental crisis facing the planet.
Meet Lubna: one of TEA's dedicated employees. Lubna explains why she loves working for TEA and gives us an inside scoop on canvassing in the City of Toronto.
A new City-funded health report confirms that burning Scarborough sewage poses more health risks than alternatives.
Just east of Toronto, the “state-of-the-art” incinerator built to burn the garbage for Durham and York Regions is already going over toxic air emission limits in the testing stage.
Monica, a TEA volunteer and an undergraduate student in her final year at U of T, was curious about how the convocation robes are cleaned and if toxic substances are used in the process. Here's what she discovered.
Last night, TEA sent an open letter to all the members of Toronto’s Budget Committee. It’s not often that TEA engages with items on their agenda, but this week is an exception.
Toronto is developing a plan to deal with waste for the next 50 years - and we can learn from what happens in other cities.
TEA’s Waste Campaigner, Emily Alfred, recently spoke to Peel Regional Council to urge them to focus on the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) instead of environmentally wasteful and damaging disposal. The good news is that they agreed!
Thank you, Toronto, for voting TEA the Best Enviro Group in the 2015 NOW Readers’ Choice Poll!
When you cast your ballot in the federal election, we hope the environment will be one of your top priorities. To help you evaluate the environmental platforms of the major parties and choose the best candidate this coming Monday, here are three key issues we suggest you consider.
At TEA, we really love the Greenbelt. We love what it does for Toronto and we love to enjoy the amazing spaces protected by the Greenbelt.
With a change in season comes a change in clothes! As you begin switching over to warmer jackets and cozier blankets this fall, you might realize that some of your items smell musty, stale or just need a good cleaning! But what do you do when these items can't easily be thrown in the washer and dryer, the ones that need special care or have labels like 'hand wash' or 'dry clean only'?
Last week, Council approved the next stage of the Long Term Waste Strategy. It was great to see some positive discussion about diversion - and a number of Councillors mentioned TEA's messages.
This week, Councillors are voting on the framework and options consultants will use to draft a long term waste strategy for Toronto. The strategy will come to the public in early 2016.
TEA was at Public Works & Infrastructure Committee last week to hear the staff report and talk to Councillors.
Last night, a capacity crowd of 200 came out to hear panelists give their ideas about what the city can do get ready for the severe weather climate disruption will bring to Toronto. Another 250 people were on a waiting list to get in.
What is the most important thing we must do to get ready for the severe weather climate disruption will bring Toronto?
TEA's Comedy Jam featured some of Canada’s brightest and funniest comedians, supporting our work by making our supporters laugh.